Category Archives: sloths

Fun facts and scientific news about sloth behaviour and conservation.

Rope bridges to help sloths to cross roads

Their slowness is definitely one of the most remarkable features of the sloths. And it does have its advantage, as it allows them to survive on a diet that is very low in calories. But there are also disadvantages to their slow pace. When crossing a road they can easily get hit by a car or attacked by dogs.

Hence it occurs sometimes that sloths use electric wires to cross a road, leading often to accidents. A conservation organisation called The Sloth Conservation Foundation now came with a solution. They started installing rope bridges to help the sloths to cross roads.

So far, they have installed 139 so-called sloth crossings within Costa Rica, in order to help the sloths to find a connection between habitats. They also installed cameras to monitor the effectiveness of their bridges. And so far, besides the sloths, they discovered 10 other arboreal species to use the bridges, such as spider monkeys and capuchin monkeys.

A new national symbol for Costa Rica: the sloth

It’s only a few weeks ago that Costa Rica approved to make the two-toed sloth and the three-toed sloth one of its national symbols. These charismatic animals will therefore be an icon of the country. A country that is world-renowned for its sustainability practices, its pioneering work in ecotourism and sustainable development.

But there is more relevance to the national symbol status of the sloths. Because together with the declaration go a range of conservation measures for this species. From projects to avoid that they get electrocuted on power lines, wildlife crossings over roads and highways, up to creating green corridors of sloth habitat.

Therefore it seems great news for this species, as well as for biodiversity in Costa Rica in general. As conserving the habitat of this species, will definitely benefit others as well.